Welcome to Latchmere School
Dear Parents,
We are immensely proud of our thriving, inclusive school where a love of learning is promoted within a safe and happy environment and where every person feels valued. We believe that working in partnership with parents, carers, governors and our community is essential to ensure our success. Latchmere School provides a happy, welcoming and caring environment for children and their family throughout the years they are with us. A family atmosphere is fostered within our setting, enabling children to feel confident to express their individuality, their talents and know that success in any aspect of their lives will be rewarded and celebrated.
I am often available in the playground at the beginning or end of the day. Please do come and say hello. If you require a more formal meeting I am always happy to meet parents should they wish to discuss any issues regarding their child’s education. Please make an appointment through the school office or email headteacher@latchmereschool.org if you wish to speak with me.
Best wishes
Carolyn Coles
Head of School
Read the full 'Welcome from the Head of School' here.
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